Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Inflation Is Now Aflame

Beyond their already oversized balance sheet, the fed anounced another 1.15 trillion dollars in spending. The markets were at major resistance levels and the fed knew they had to make a bold statement to drive the markets above these levels. They certainly took bold action today. Actually, they took such bold action that many are asking if they are crazy. If their plan works...great. One thing is for sure though, if it doesn't this country will be going to hell in a hand basket. If I was running a business, I would never ever take those kinds of risks. Now we are taking major risks with the United States of America. The U.S. Dollar got hammered today, gold was up in a big way, and oil even ended up on the day. This government isn't playing with fire, it is playing with a nuclear bomb. But hopefully they can stave off a recession...btw, the market was up 90 points today. YAY! 90 points for 1.15 trillion dollars in printed money!
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